Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dr. Mir Mohamed Habib

Dr. Habib is the patriarch of the Melbourne Muslim community. He is originally from Madras, India and has been living in Melbourne for 40 years now. He & his family are great friends of ours and has been a inspiration to my wife & me.

We were referred to him by our Travel Agent for our Hajj vaccinations. It was a relatively easy and simple process and the injections were not painful at all. Even Shireen felt it was easy to get them although Dr. Habib tried to divert her attention by questioning what she had as her last meal as he was injecting her, of course she didn't remember what she had.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Eid ul Fitr (Ramadan Eid)

Imam Gul Saeed Saheb, conducting Eid Prayers
at Doncaster Mosque
Rahil Khan, Secretary of Umma Centre, Doncaster
volunteering to clear the prayer mats after the Eid Prayers

Haleem, a dish made of meat & wheat being
served outside Doncaster Mosque

Today is 20th Sep. and Muslims around the world are celebrating the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. After lots of uncertanity regarding the sighting of the Moon, news came in last night from Perth which is 2 hours behind Melbourne confirming the sightseeing of the Moon there. Hence the whole of Australia's Muslim community is celebrating Eid today.

We had Eid Prayers at Umma Centre, Doncaster and had a delicious brunch after the prayers at one of our friends house.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Booking Hajj Package - Early September

Salam alai kum

Having lived in Saudi Arabia for more than 7 years, it has always been my regret and a cause of much criticism from my sisters for not performing our Hajj. Both me and my dear wife Farhat felt that Yousuf our son was too small to perform Hajj while we were there & we kept on deffering and eventually we had to leave Saudi for good when we decided to migrate to Australia.

It is said for everything there is a time and Allah has decided that its now our time to perform Hajj, Mashallah!.

For the past week, after making the decision, we have been checking on various packages on offer. Being a Travel Agent by profession, I have the benefit of issuing our own tickets at a price much cheaper than what's on offer as part of the package. Therefore having issued the tickets ourselves, we are now looking around for the best land package which gives good value for money for our family of three adults and one child.


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